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日月潭為台灣阿薩姆紅茶主要產地,日治時代日人從印度阿薩姆省引進茶種於魚池鄉試種,成為日月潭最出名的特種茶。直至今日,日月潭魚池仍為台灣紅茶主要產區,所產紅茶的色澤紅豔、味醇厚,是讓國內外人士驚豔的道地好茶 。 


Sun Moon Lake is the main producing area of ​​Taiwan Assam black tea. During the Japanese colonial era, Japanese people introduced tea from Assam Province in India to Yuchi Township. It was widely promoted and became the most famous specialty tea in Sun Moon Lake. Until today. The black tea produced from Sun Moon Lake is reddish in color and rich in flavor. It is one the signature tea in Taiwan. 

特優級/日月潭紅茶 (10包裝) Excellent/Sun Moon Lake Black Tea (10 Tea Bags)

SKU: 0002
  • Product Dimension:  13cm H x 8cm  W x 8cm D

    Product Weight: 95g

    Product Origin: Made in Taiwan

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